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Old printer, meet new PC!

Okay, so this page is really specific, but it may give you hints to how to set up YOUR old printer on Windows 7.

I've got an old hp 1012. I got it for 20 dollars, and got the toner for 70 dollars, so about 80 dollars of commitment got me a b&w laser printer for my old Mac. Hey what a bargain!

Now, I got a new hp windows 7 machine, and I needed to hook up the printer. Of course, my cheap, fast printer won't work on windows 7! so time to check the internet for a solution right?

Old printer, meet new PC! continues with full sized image.

May, 21 2012: Rules for living with your parents

Today, I am lobbing a grenade at my live-in stepchildren. It's a grenade full of love, but like they say, love hurts.

Nov, 16 2011: Quick Review of Gamepad F310

Long time no post... yeah. Anyway. Here's a quick overview of logitech's Gamepad f310, and why I won't be using it for FPS games.

Sept 23, 2011: Change of focus

What have I been doing, What will I be doing. How does it involve this site and Bee Police?

April 14, 2011: Old printer, meet new PC!

How I got my old unsupported HP 1012 laser printer to work with Windows 7. Very specific, but you may find it generally helpful.

April 7, 2011: What have I done for you lately?

The ramblings of a man driven mad by his creativity (and lack of sleep)

June 5, 2010: Voting day stress

SUMMARY: It's time to vote. Just vote like I did.
ARGUMENT IN FAVOR: Ron is really smart. Trust him VOTE YES!
ARGUMENT AGAINST: Ron is a shrewd manipulator and your taxes will reflect that. VOTE NO!

January 22, 2010: Bee Police

I've come to the realization that this site is not set up for a serialized comic. As such, I've moved Bee Police (formerly titled BEES) to a comicgenesis account. You can still get Bee Police here by clicking on the link above.

January 2, 2010: Cats: Kilah in Heat

The call of the wild sounds different when it's calling for YOUR cat.

December 26, 2009: Next-Genned

Though the series had it's moments, I'm not enamored of Next-Gen. To some people though, there is nothing BUT.

December 22, 2009: Bees: Pancakes for Dinner

Vengeance is a dish best served cold. Pancakes, are not.

December 17, 2009: Bees: Tik Tak Pow

Flight of the bumblebee, or the toxic "bee"venger.

December 13, 2009: Into the breach

Which act is tougher, Shakespeare, or this ...

December 9, 2009: Bees: Retail Thereapy

Matt attempts to salve Jake's anger with honey, or at least buy an absolution online.

December 6, 2009: Naval Camouflage

Comic: Umm, why would the navy need it?

December 6, 2009: Bees: Down the Tubes

Comic: Is this the end for our little bee friend?

December 2, 2009: Fall Investiture, 2009

SCA: All court all day. Alfar and Letitia step down, Leohtulf and Gillian step up. Master Fredrick sings a filk and reads a sonnet. Lots of important stuff gets done.

December 1, 2009: Thanksgiving cats

Comic: What my cats are thankful for this Thanksgiving