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May, 21 2012: Rules for living with your parents

Today, I am lobbing a grenade at my live-in stepchildren. It's a grenade full of love, but like they say, love hurts.

Nov, 16 2011: Quick Review of Gamepad F310

Long time no post... yeah. Anyway. Here's a quick overview of logitech's Gamepad f310, and why I won't be using it for FPS games.

Sept 23, 2011: Change of focus

What have I been doing, What will I be doing. How does it involve this site and Bee Police?

April 14, 2011: Old printer, meet new PC!

How I got my old unsupported HP 1012 laser printer to work with Windows 7. Very specific, but you may find it generally helpful.

April 7, 2011: What have I done for you lately?

The ramblings of a man driven mad by his creativity (and lack of sleep)

June 5, 2010: Voting day stress

SUMMARY: It's time to vote. Just vote like I did.
ARGUMENT IN FAVOR: Ron is really smart. Trust him VOTE YES!
ARGUMENT AGAINST: Ron is a shrewd manipulator and your taxes will reflect that. VOTE NO!

January 22, 2010: Bee Police

I've come to the realization that this site is not set up for a serialized comic. As such, I've moved Bee Police (formerly titled BEES) to a comicgenesis account. You can still get Bee Police here by clicking on the link above.

January 2, 2010: Cats: Kilah in Heat

The call of the wild sounds different when it's calling for YOUR cat.

December 26, 2009: Next-Genned

Though the series had it's moments, I'm not enamored of Next-Gen. To some people though, there is nothing BUT.

December 22, 2009: Bees: Pancakes for Dinner

Vengeance is a dish best served cold. Pancakes, are not.

December 17, 2009: Bees: Tik Tak Pow

Flight of the bumblebee, or the toxic "bee"venger.

December 13, 2009: Into the breach

Which act is tougher, Shakespeare, or this ...

December 9, 2009: Bees: Retail Thereapy

Matt attempts to salve Jake's anger with honey, or at least buy an absolution online.

December 6, 2009: Naval Camouflage

Comic: Umm, why would the navy need it?

December 6, 2009: Bees: Down the Tubes

Comic: Is this the end for our little bee friend?

December 2, 2009: Fall Investiture, 2009

SCA: All court all day. Alfar and Letitia step down, Leohtulf and Gillian step up. Master Fredrick sings a filk and reads a sonnet. Lots of important stuff gets done.

December 1, 2009: Thanksgiving cats

Comic: What my cats are thankful for this Thanksgiving