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Leon and Muriel Photo Edit

When I was asked to create a yahoo group for their reign, I scoured the internet to find an image of my knight Sir Leon and his lady Muriel. Of course it couldn't be just any image. It had to be from the Coronet tourney he won. I found a wonderful image taken by Pete Good (Martin of Rivenstar) but there I was right in the middle. My wife was also half in the photo.

Leon and Muriel Photo Edit continues with full sized image.

June 4, 2008: Cats gone Walkabout

We used to have an issue with our cats pee-ing in inappropriate locations. We don't seem to have that problem anymore. and No, we did not get rid of them.

June 4, 2008: Google Earth won't Load

The problem appears to be that once Google-Earth updates its pref files, it does not want to run on subsequent loads. Here's a fix.

June 3, 2008: Angry White Woman

There are so many layers to what Harriet Christian is saying in this video, that anybody with a hot button will go into complete mental lockdown before they can truly absorb her whole statement.

April 21, 2008: Leon and Muriel Photo Edit

A little Photoshop Magic, and voila, I make my lovely assistant, myself, and a pavillion disappear!

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