Ancient Older Stories: page 4


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November 30, 2005: Panorama & QTVR

I've stitched together a panorama of David and Melissa's wedding in the Gazeebo from 4 or 5 photos, and made a Quicktime VR out of it. Go take a look!

November 29, 2005: Photo and Redux

A photo from Harvest Feast (2005) and a digital/medieval touch up!

November 25, 2005: Kathie and Clayton's photos

Here are photos from Kathie and Clayton's wedding. This set of pages currently contain photos from their wedding rehersal and dinner. Soon, there will be addtional photos from the wedding itself.

November 25, 2005: High School Food

Among the weird foods I ate while in High School, are Kool Aid infused Sprite, and Sugar and Margarine impregnated French Bread Rounds. here are the recipes!

November 24, 2005: More Wedding Photos

its been just over 6 months since Annette and I got married. I have finally got more photos from the wedding online. Hey, its been a busy 6 months! Enjoy the 7 or so pages of photos!

November 21, 2006: a little ditty -- sca humor

There once was a man from the West
who wore iron hat and tin vest
When hit in the crotch,
he yelled "Oh my gosh,
It's a cup in which I'll invest!"

November 13, 2005: Glory Days and D&D

A true story of my youth in Highschool (circa 1985) involving alternate realities, Dungeons & Dragons, and gullible friends.

November 9, 2005: Carl's Junior League

Remember when fast food was fast? I could swear it wasn't so long ago that I could go into a Carl's Junior and get my food with little to no fuss.

November 8, 2005: Short Term memory loss -- what was that ad?

So, I was worried about having short term memory loss. I'm still worried, but that's another topic. I went to a website to take a quiz. Yes, it was totally not scientific, but it taught me something about advertising. After answering 6 or 8 questions, I was taken to a page that said "Calculating your results" for about 20 seconds, with an advertisement on the center of the page. After the time was up, the results came in, I have mild short term memory loss. From 8 questions? Excuse me? did it really take 20 seconds to figure this out? Or was it 20 seconds for them to advertise to someone who is NOT going away? I think it was the latter. Good advertising system, bad bait. I would hope they'd have a more serious test for memory loss.

November 5, 2005: David & Melissa Rehersal Dinner

Photos from David and Melissa's Rehersal Dinner. Much fun was had by all, and I have proof!

November 4, 2005: Damning Photos

If you're looking for serious photos of David and Melissa's wedding, keep looking. What you've found is a set of photos, which when taken completley out of context, tells a rather humorous tale... Leoghtulf is gonna club me at the next practice!