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May, 21 2012: Rules for living with your parents

Today, I am lobbing a grenade at my live-in stepchildren. It's a grenade full of love, but like they say, love hurts.

Nov, 16 2011: Quick Review of Gamepad F310

Long time no post... yeah. Anyway. Here's a quick overview of logitech's Gamepad f310, and why I won't be using it for FPS games.

Sept 23, 2011: Change of focus

What have I been doing, What will I be doing. How does it involve this site and Bee Police?

Previous Page continues.

July 20, 2009: Updated: Fixing Leather Armor Video

I added the last two videos to the playlist. Me fixing my arms. topics include cutting straps, stitching to armor instead of riveting, and attaching a buckle to a leather strap.

July 9, 2009: Making a Fishbat

How to make a short heavy war sword for SCA fighting. This video also covers the kinds of tape used, how to make a thrusting tip.

July 7, 2009: Sketch of Princess Muriel

Today, while looking for something ELSE SCA related, I found the photo that matches my sketch in my iPHoto album.

June 29, 2009 : Art Nouveau

Ok, WTF? I was checking my web (metrics) logs today, and found that "Art Nouveau" took up 53 percent of the search strings used on this site for this month.